West Midlands Schools Cross Country Success!

On a very cold morning on Sat 17th Jan, several students from Arthur Terry negated the hilly and 'frozen' course in Warley Woods, whilst representing the North Birmingham area in the West Midlands Schools Cross Country Championships.

Alex Jones ran in the Inter Boys (Y10/11) 5000m race - he ran extremely well finishing 4th overall and has subsequently qualified for English Schools competition.

Shaun Evans and Max Sellers (pictured above) both ran in the Senior boys (Y12/13) over 6000m - both students also ran excellent races with Shaun finishing 3rd and Max finishing a very respectable 7th. 
This means that Shaun has also qualified for the English Schools Stages, making it the 5th consecutive year - an absolutely tremendous personal achievement!!

Well done to all students that took part; we will look forward to hearing how Alex and Shaun get on in the next stage!